Monday 11 September 2017

Carlisle Roman bath house archaeological dig begins

A four-week dig has begun on the site of a Roman bath house that it is hoped will become a major tourist attraction.

Carlisle Roman bath house archaeological dig begins
Dozens of volunteers are preparing the site for a more detailed dig [Credit: BBC]
Volunteers are preparing the site of 4th Century remains uncovered near the River Eden in the Stanwix area of Carlisle in May.

It is believed older structures may lie underneath.

Archaeologist Frank Giecco said: "It's the largest community dig Carlisle's ever had and the response has just been incredible."

Carlisle Roman bath house archaeological dig begins
Some finds have already been made [Credit: BBC]
Carlisle City Council and a local businessman, Fred Story, have donated £30,000 towards the cost of excavations.

Nearly 90 people have signed up to help dig and clean up artefacts.

Archaeologists have called the find "premier league" and of "national significance".

It is believed the bath house was used by an elite cavalry unit based nearby.

Source: BBC News Website [September 11, 2017]


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